CS代考 ECE 391 Exam 1, Spring 2012

ECE 391 Exam 1, Spring 2012
Thursday February 23rd

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

• Be sure that your exam booklet has 16 pages.

• Write your name at the top of each page.

• This is a closed book exam.

• You are allowed one 8.5× 11″ sheet of notes.

• Absolutely no interaction between students is allowed.

• Show all of your work.

• Don’t panic, and good luck!

Problem 1 23 points

Problem 2 12 points

Problem 3 20 points

Problem 4 15 points

Problem 5 20 points

Problem 6 10 points

Total 100 points

Problem 1 (23 points): Short Answers
Please answer concisely. If you find yourself writing more than a sentence or two, your answer is probably wrong.

Part A (4 points): Recall the user-level test harness provided for your use with MP1. Describe one advantage and
one disadvantage of developing and using such a testing strategy when writing new kernel code, relative to doing all
testing of the new code directly in the kernel.

Part B (5 points): You have a device attached to IRQ0 on the PIC. Everytime that device generates an interrupt,
the divide by zero exception handler is invoked instead of your device handler. What have you set up incorrectly
and how do you fix it?

Problem 1, continued:
Part C (4 points): Why is it necessary to save the state of the caller saved registers immediately after receiving
an interrupt?

Part D (5 points): Why does Linux make use of tasklets (i.e., software interrupts) instead of executing all
interrupt-related activity in the (hardware) interrupt handler?

Problem 1, continued:
Part E (5 points): Explain why it is not enough to do CLI/STI when synchronizing accesses to resources shared
by your code and interrupt handlers in a multiprocessor setting.

Problem 2 (12 points): PIC Design Rationale and Issues

You may find it helpful to consult the 8259A diagram on the back of the exam for this problem.

Part A (4 points): Explain the role of the CAS (cascade) bus in Intel’s 8259A PIC. Specifically, why it is
necessary, and how is it used?

Part B (4 points): Three 8259A PICs are cascaded together, with slave X occupying IR0 on the master PIC and
slave Y occupying IR4. Assuming that the standard priority scheme is used on each PIC (IR0 is high, IR7 is low),
show the overall priority scheme for the lines on the master M (call them M0 through M7) and slaves X (X0 through
X7) and Y (Y0 through Y7).

Part C (4 points): Draw the glue logic necessary to connect the A (address, 1 bit) and CS (chip select, 1 bit,
active low) ports of an 8259A PIC to the 16-bit address bus of a processor such that the PIC occupies ports 0x100 and
0x101. Your diagram should not be gate-level, but be sure that any component meanings are clear.

Problem 3 (20 points): Calling Convention
You have been asked to write a recursive function to emulate an iteration of a sum-reduction collective operation
(multiprocessor function to get the sum of an extremely large set of data). The C code implementation is already
written for you below (and at the end of the exam). The x86 code is generated from this C code. You are to fill in the
missing x86 GNU Assembly instructions related to the C calling convention you learned in class.

typedef struct elem{
int value;
elem_t* next

// Returns the length of the new “sum linked-list” made during traversal
int recursive_reduce_iter(int blocksize, elem_t* start)

int new_list_len, sum;
elem_t* end = start;
int temp = blocksize;
if (start == NULL) // Base Case

while(temp != 0){ // Compute next block’s address

end = end->next;

end = end->next;

new_list_len = recursive_reduce_iter(blocksize, end); // Recursive Call
sum = sum_nodes(start, end); // sum_nodes call

start->value = sum; // Update node’s value and next ptr
start->next = end;
return new_list_len+1; // Return the length of the new list

int sum_nodes(elem_t* start_node, elem_t* end_node); // Helper func, returns sum

The x86 Assembly is below and continues to the next page. Remember to follow the C calling convention and
only add code where the x86 comments say to add code.

pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp

# blocksize => ecx
# start => eax
# new_list_len => local var on stack

movl %eax, %edx
cmpl $0, %eax
je base_case

cmpl $0, %ecx
je next_block
movl NEXT(%edx), %edx
jmp block_loop

Problem 3, continued:

movl NEXT(%edx), %edx

# Do recursive call
# followed by sum_nodes call

movl %ecx, VALUE(%eax)
movl %edx, NEXT(%eax)

# Set return value to new_list_len+1

movl $0, %eax

Problem 4 (15 points): Synchronization
There is another synchronization method other than the ones taught in class called a barrier. Barriers make sure that all
threads stop at a certain point before continuing. An example would be a parallel read/sort function. Several threads
would read some data in parallel and stop at a barrier before moving on to do the actual sort.

extern static int NUM_THREADS; // assume the number of threads does not change

// you may add additional members to this struct,
// but NO NEW synchronization primatives
typedef struct {

spinlock_t lock;

} barrier_t;

Part A (5 points): Implement the initialization function below. Remember to initialize any members you added
to the barrier t struct.

void barrier_init(barrier_t *b)

Part B (10 points): Implement a barrier wait function below.

void barrier_wait(barrier_t *b)

Problem 5 (20 points): x86 Assembly and C
You’ve decided to implement a new function to supplement those you created in MP1. The purpose of the function is
to make the fish appear dead, and you intend on calling it at the end of the user level test harness. To achieve this goal,
you will replace the eye of the fish with an ’x’ during the ”off frame”. In Part A, you will implement the function as a
new ioctl using x86 assembly.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

|\/.\ | \/ / / |\/x\ \ \/ \ /
|= _> \| \ / |= _> \ \ \|
|/\_/ |/ |/ |/\_> |/ |/

———-M—-M——– ———-M—-M——–

Traverse the mp1 list head list, looking for an element whose ON CHAR field matches the ascii value for ’.’(0x2E).
If there is such an element, replace the OFF CHAR field with ’x’(0x78). You are guaranteed that there is at most one ’.’
in the list and that this always corresponds to the ”eye” you should replace. You are NOT guaranteed that the ’.’ is at
a fixed location, so you must search the list based on the ON CHAR field rather than the LOCATION field. The argument
is only present for the sake of consistency, and contains only garbage. Return 0 on success, and -1 on failure. Insert
the code to implement mp1 ioctl kill in mp1.S shown on the next page.

Use x86 GNU Assembly for this part!

# Useful offset constants for accessing members of a mp1_blink_struct structure

Problem 5, continued:

.global mp1_ioctl_kill

# Pointer to head of list (initialized to NULL)
mp1_list_head: .long 0

# int mp1_ioctl_kill(unsigned long arg)
# follows C calling convention
# %ecx MUST mantain list pointer



Problem 6 (10 points): Debugging(***)
There is one bug in the following code where unexpected behavior may happen. Explain what conditions must occur
for the bug to happen, what occurs as a result of this bug, and how you would fix it.

Assume the operations done on arg1 and arg2 do not overflow the int return value from that operation. The (***)
means this is a challenge problem. Proportion your time appropriately.

# int dispatcher(unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int operation)
# Dispatcher function that uses a function pointer jump table
# to execute the appropriate operation function.
# Inputs: operation – index into function pointer jump table
# arg1, arg2 – argumets that the functions operate on
# Outputs: Returns -1 if operation is out of array bounds, otherwise
# the function that is jumped to sets the return value
# Note: The function calling dispatcher as well as each of the functions
# in the jump table follow the C calling convention. Recall that the
# dispatcher is a special function (MP1’s mp1_ioctl that you wrote
# was a dispatcher)

movl 12(%esp), %ecx
cmpl $0, %ecx
cmpl $2, %ecx
jmp *jumptable(,%ecx,4)

movl $-1, %eax

# int op_ (unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2)
# Note: Assume that the op_ does not overflow
# the return value

.long op_add, op_mult, op_abs

(scratch paper)

You may tear off this page to use as a reference

Synchronization API reference

spinlock_t lock; Declare an uninitialized spinlock
spinlock_t lock1 = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED; Declare a spinlock and initialize it
spinlock_t lock2 = SPIN_LOCK_LOCKED;
void spin_lock_init(spinlock_t* lock); Initialize a dynamically-allocated spin lock

(set to unlocked)
void spin_lock(spinlock_t *lock); Obtain a spin lock; waits until available
void spin_unlock(spinlock_t *lock); Release a spin lock
void spin_lock_irqsave(spinlock_t *lock, Save processor status in flags,

unsigned long& flags); mask interrupts and obtain spin lock
(note: flags passed by name (macro))

void spin_lock_irqrestore(spinlock_t *lock, Release a spin lock, then set
unsigned long flags); processar status to flags

struct semaphore sem; Declare an uninitialized semaphore
static DECLARE_SEMAPHORE_GENERIC (sem, val); Allocate statically and initialize to val
DECLARE_MUTEX (mutex); Allocate on stack and initialize to one
DECLARE_MUTEX_LOCKED (mutex); Allocate on stack and initialize to zero
void sema_init(struct semaphore *sem, int val); Initialize a dynamically allocated semaphore to val
void init_MUTEX(struct semaphore *sem); Initialize a dynamically allocated semaphore to one.
void init_MUTEX_LOCKED(struct semaphore *sem); Initialize a dynamically allocated semaphore to zero.
void down(struct semaphore *sem); Wait until semaphore is available and decrement (P)
vod up(struct semaphore *sem); Increment the semaphore

a PICture of the 8259A

You may tear off this page to use as a reference

Recursive reduce iter() C code

typedef struct elem{
int value;
elem_t* next

// Returns the length of the new “sum linked-list” made during traversal
int recursive_reduce_iter(int blocksize, elem_t* start)

int new_list_len, sum;
elem_t* end = start;
int temp = blocksize;
if (start == NULL) // Base Case

while(temp != 0){ // Compute next block’s address

end = end->next;

end = end->next;

new_list_len = recursive_reduce_iter(blocksize, end); // Recursive Call
sum = sum_nodes(start, end); // sum_nodes call

start->value = sum; // Update node’s value and next ptr
start->next = end;
return new_list_len+1; // Return the length of the new list

int sum_nodes(elem_t* start_node, elem_t* end_node); // Helper func, returns sum

You may tear off this page to use as a reference

x86 reference

8 016 15 7

jb below CF is set
jbe below or CF or ZF

equal is set
je equal ZF is set
jl less SF 6= OF
jle less or (SF 6= OF) or

equal ZF is set
jo overflow OF is set
jp parity PF is set

(even parity)
js sign SF is set


movb (%ebp),%al # AL ← M[EBP]
movb -4(%esp),%al # AL ← M[ESP – 4]
movb (%ebx,%edx),%al # AL ← M[EBX + EDX]
movb 13(%ecx,%ebp),%al # AL ← M[ECX + EBP + 13]
movb (,%ecx,4),%al # AL ← M[ECX * 4]
movb -6(,%edx,2),%al # AL ← M[EDX * 2 – 6]
movb (%esi,%eax,2),%al # AL ← M[ESI + EAX * 2]
movb 24(%eax,%esi,8),%al # AL ← M[EAX + ESI * 8 + 24]
movb 100,%al # AL ← M[100]
movb label,%al # AL ← M[label]
movb label+10,%al # AL ← M[label+10]
movb 10(label),%al # NOT LEGAL!

movb label(%eax),%al # AL ← M[EAX + label]
movb 7*6+label(%edx),%al # AL ← M[EDX + label + 42]

movw $label,%eax # EAX ← label
movw $label+10,%eax # EAX ← label+10
movw $label(%eax),%eax # NOT LEGAL!

call printf # (push EIP), EIP ← printf
call *%eax # (push EIP), EIP ← EAX
call *(%eax) # (push EIP), EIP ← M[EAX]
call *fptr # (push EIP), EIP ← M[fptr]
call *10(%eax,%edx,2) # (push EIP), EIP ←

# M[EAX + EDX*2 + 10]

Conditional branch sense is inverted by inserting an “N” after initial “J,” e.g., JNB. Preferred forms
in table below are those used by debugger in disassembly. Table use: after a comparison such as

cmp %ebx,%esi # set flags based on (ESI – EBX)
choose the operator to place between ESI and EBX, based on the data type. For example, if ESI and EBX hold unsigned values,
and the branch should be taken if ESI ≤ EBX, use either JBE or JNA. For branches other than JE/JNE based on instructions
other than CMP, check the branch conditions above instead.

preferred form

unsigned comparisons

6= < ≤ = ≥ >
preferred form jne

signed comparisons

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com