大数据 Hadoop Map Reduce Spark HBase

hadoop sql代写:CSE 3244: Data Management in the Cloud Lab 3: Simulating a “buy and hold” strategy

CSE 3244: Data Management in the Cloud Lab 3: Simulating a “buy and hold” strategy Instructor: Spyros Blanas, blanas.2@osu.edu TA: Kalyan Khandrika, khandrika.1@osu.edu This lab asks you to simulate the performance of a “buy and hold” investment strategy on the financial dataset that was used in the previous lab. We are interested in the value

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MapReduce Spark代写: COMP5349 Cloud Computing Assignment 1: Simple Data Analysis with MapReduce and Spark

School of Information Technologies Dr. Ying Zhou COMP5349: Cloud Computing Sem. 1/2018 Assignment 1: Simple Data Analysis with MapReduce and Spark Individual Work: 20% 1 Introduction 29.03.2018 This assignment tests your ability to implement simple data analytic workload using basic features of MapReduce and Spark framework. The data set you will work on is the

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spark scala代写: COMP9313 2017s2 Project 4 Set Similarity Join Using Spark on AWS

Problem Definition:: Given two collections of records R and S , a similarity function sim (..,, .)),, and a threshold τ , the set similarity join between R and S,, is to fi nd all record pairs r (ffrom R)) and s (ffrom S)) , such that sim (rr,, s)) >== τ . In this

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Spark scala代写: LSH & Recommendation System

INF 553 – Spring 2018 Assignment 3 LSH & Recommendation System Deadline: 03/25 2017 11:59 PM PST Assignment Overview This assignment contains two parts. First, you will implement an LSH algorithm, using both Cosine and Jaccard similarity measurement, to find similar products. Second, you will implement a collaborative-filtering recommendation system. The datasets you are going

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