程序代写 CS代考

支持各种编程语言代写, 包括很多小众语言, 比如函数式编程语言Haskell, OCaml, Scheme, Lisp等, 逻辑编程语言Prolog, 底层汇编语言MIPS, RISC-V, ARM, X86, LC-3等.

超强CS代考,  所有计算机课程都可以代考, 尤其擅长算法, 机器学习, 操作系统, 体系结构, 离散数学, 数据库, 计算机视觉等课程代考.

Python, R语言, Matlab等语言的机器学习, 数据挖掘, 大数据, 数据分析和高质量Report报告代写也是我们的一大特色.

代码笔试代考, 面试代面助攻辅助, 帮你收货国内外大厂名企offer.


AE1ISO Coursework 04

AE1ISO Coursework 04 Command based mail client maintenance (25%) 1. LearningObjectives This coursework is designed to give you further experience with refactoring and maintaining existing code. This coursework will allow you to gain experience working with:  Debugging  Refactoring  Improving  Enhancing/Evolution  The importance of software quality  Unit testing 2. Question You will be provided with an

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CSSE2002 / CSSE7023 Semester 1, 2015 Assignment 3

CSSE2002 / CSSE7023 Semester 1, 2015 Assignment 3 Goal: The goal of this assignment is to gain practical experience with implementing GUIs using the Model-View-Controller design pattern. Due date: The assignment is due at 4pm on Wednesday 3 June. Late assignments will lose 20% of the total mark immediately, and a further 20% of the

CSSE2002 / CSSE7023 Semester 1, 2015 Assignment 3 Read More »