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Assignment 2: "Inception and Elaboration"

UOW:CSCI222:Session 2:2015:Assignment 2. Aims Objectives Task Submission Aims CSCI222 Spring Session, 2015 Assignment 2: “Inception and Elaboration” 15 mark group assignment The aims of this assignment are to: Provide more experience in structured group work; Provide experience with the use of UML models for systems’ architecture, activities, and classes ; Provide additional experience with a

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Spring Session:2015:Assignment 1

UOW:CSCI222:Spring Session:2015:Assignment 1. CSCI222 Spring Session, 2015 Assignment 1: “Elaboration and Construction” 20 mark group assignment Aims Objectives Task Submission Aims The aims of this assignment are to: Provide experience in structured group work; Provide experience with the use of UML models that guide program implementation; Provide some limited experience with a simplified version of

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MSc C++ Programming

Imperial College London Department of Computing MSc C++ Programming – Assessed Exercise No. 3 Issued: 24 November 2015 Due: 14 December 2015 The Exercise You are required to write a program with the name chess, to simulate and manage chess games. Your program should accept moves in the format (source square, destination square), where a

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