Microsoft Word – COMP3308-assignment2-2018-final.docx COMP3308 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Semester 1, 2018 Page 1 of 7 Assignment 2: Classification Deadlines Submission: 5pm, Friday 18th May, 2018 (week 10) This assignment is worth 20% of your final mark. Task description In this assignment you will implement the K‐Nearest Neighbour and Naïve Bayes algorithms and evaluate them on a real dataset using the stratified cross validation method. You will also evaluate the performance of other classifiers on the same dataset using Weka. Finally, you will investigate the effect of feature selection, in particular the Correlation‐based Feature Selection method (CFS) from Weka. Late submissions policy No late submissions are allowed. Programming languages Your implementation can be written in Python, Java, C, C++ or MATLAB. The assignment will be tested on the University machines, so your code must be compatible with the language version installed on those machines. You are not allowed to use any of the built‐in classification libraries for the purposes of this assignment. Submission and pair work Your assignment can be completed individually or in pairs. See the submission details section for more information about how to submit. This assignment will be submitted