
Python广泛应用于机器学习, 人工智能和统计数据分析等课程. 它也被很多大学作为入门语言来教授. 目前是我们代写最多的编程语言.

人工智能机器学习代写: COMP3308 Assignment 2: Classification

COMP3308 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Semester 1, 2018 Assignment 2: Classification Deadlines Submission: 5pm, Friday 18th May, 2018 (week 10) This assignment is worth 20% of your final mark. Task description In this assignment you will implement the K‐Nearest Neighbour and Naïve Bayes algorithms and evaluate them on a real dataset using the stratified

人工智能机器学习代写: COMP3308 Assignment 2: Classification Read More »