
Python广泛应用于机器学习, 人工智能和统计数据分析等课程. 它也被很多大学作为入门语言来教授. 目前是我们代写最多的编程语言.

机器学习神经网络代写: feedforward Neural Network (FNN)

The purpose of this homework assignment is to apply the feedforward Neural Network (FNN) to solve a practical classification problem. Overview In this homework project, you will need to apply the feedforward neural network (FNN) on the MNIST dataset for hand written digit recognition.   Dataset   The MNIST database of handwritten digits has a

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数值计算linear cube spline代写: Implement functions for interpolation of tabulated data.

Exercise “Interpolation” Objective: Implement functions for interpolation of tabulated data. Problems: (6 points) Linear spline (linear interpolation) Implement a function that makes linear spline interpolation from a table {x[i], y[i]} at a given point z. Here you don’t need to precalculate anything or use any structs. The signature of your function should be something like double linterp(int n, double

数值计算linear cube spline代写: Implement functions for interpolation of tabulated data. Read More »

python代写:Final Project Case Study: Asset Backed Security Modeling

Final Project Case Study: Asset Backed Security Modeling The final project case study is the concluding piece of this course. The topic of this case study is Asset Backed Security modeling. This will give you the opportunity to satisfyingly apply all of what you’ve learned about Python into a useful project in finance. The project

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python代写:Level 6: Monte Carlo in Python

Exercises Level 6: Monte Carlo in Python 6.1: Random Number Generation 1)  Write code that generates a list of 200,000 uniform random numbers, ranging from 1 to 20. Additionally, generate 200,000 normally distributed random numbers (mu=10, sigma=7) and 200,000 lognormally distributed random numbers (mu=1, sigma=0.5). Export these lists of numbers to a single CSV file

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python代写: Level 5: Advanced Python Syntax

Exercises Level 5: Advanced Python Syntax 5.1: Date/Time 1)  Create a program that does the following: Asks the user to input year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond (one after another). Create a datetime variable with the entered info. Extract the datetime into year, month, day, hour, minutes, second, and microsecond. Display the following result

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python代写: Level 3: Intermediate Python Syntax

Exercises Level 3: Intermediate Python Syntax 3.1: Advanced Functions 1)  Create a stored lambda function that calculates the hypotenuse of a right triangle; it should take base and height as its parameter. Invoke (test) this lambda with different arguments. 2)  This exercise is a modification of Exercise 1.5.8, to use the reduce function. To this

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