计算机代考程序代写 chain Bayesian arm algorithm MH example 2: Poisson regression for birth rates

MH example 2: Poisson regression for birth rates

MH example 2: Poisson regression for birth rates

September 2021

The data.

This example is about regional variation across in birth rates in the 15-19 age group. We use a Bayesian Poisson regression to investigate whether birth rates vary between major urban and other areas and between North and South Islands.

##General set-up


## Warning: package ‘mvtnorm’ was built under R version 4.0.3

library(LearnBayes) #laplace function

## Loading required package: Matrix

## Loading required package: lme4

## arm (Version 1.11-1, built: 2020-4-27)

## Working directory is C:/Users/ /Documents/Patrick/Stat314-2021/Metropolis-Hastings/final

#setwd(“~/Patrick/Stat314-2017”) #Should not be needed since data created
#in the code
##births by region example

#set-up the data
births <- c(64,365,149,113,30,65,38,95,117,6,12,9,9,137,36,36) popsize <- c(5450,51620,14960,9360,1770,5640,3880,9020,17040, 1420,1600,1290,980,18670,8290,3170) regions <- c("Northland","Auckland","Waikato","Bay of Plenty", "Gisborne","Hawke's Bay","Taranaki", "Manawatu-Wanganui","Wellington","Tasman","Nelson", "Marlborough","West Coast","Canterbury","Otago", "Southland") majurb <- c(0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0) North <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) South <- 1- North ###place into a data frame for easier viewing and writing out if necessary births_reg.df <- data.frame(regions,births,popsize,majurb,South) ###Have a look at the data births_reg.df ## regions births popsize majurb South ## 1 Northland 64 5450 0 0 ## 2 Auckland 365 51620 1 0 ## 3 Waikato 149 14960 0 0 ## 4 Bay of Plenty 113 9360 0 0 ## 5 Gisborne 30 1770 0 0 ## 6 Hawke's Bay 65 5640 0 0 ## 7 Taranaki 38 3880 0 0 ## 8 Manawatu-Wanganui 95 9020 0 0 ## 9 Wellington 117 17040 1 0 ## 10 Tasman 6 1420 0 1 ## 11 Nelson 12 1600 0 1 ## 12 Marlborough 9 1290 0 1 ## 13 West Coast 9 980 0 1 ## 14 Canterbury 137 18670 1 1 ## 15 Otago 36 8290 1 1 ## 16 Southland 36 3170 0 1 rate <- births / popsize rate ## [1] 0.011743119 0.007070903 0.009959893 0.012072650 0.016949153 0.011524823 ## [7] 0.009793814 0.010532151 0.006866197 0.004225352 0.007500000 0.006976744 ## [13] 0.009183673 0.007337975 0.004342581 0.011356467 There is not much to work with in these data - only two covariates. However for illustrative purposes we will work through the steps of using a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to compute the posterior for a Bayesian Poisson regression of the birth rate against the major-urban and North/ South Island indicators Like logistic regression, Poisson regression is an examaple of a generalised linear model (GLM). Model specification The Model for the data is \[ \begin{aligned} \left [ Y_{i}|N_{i},\theta_{i} \right ] & \stackrel{\mathrm{indep}}{\sim} \mathrm{Poisson}(\theta_{i}N_{i}), \, i=1,\ldots, 12 \\ \mathrm{log}(\theta_{i}) & = \beta_{0}+ \beta_{1}\mathrm{majurb}_{i} + \beta_{2}\mathrm{North}_{i} \,\, i=1,\ldots, 12. \end{aligned} \] Here \(Y\) denotes births, and \(N\) denotes female population size (popsize) Under the model \(\theta_{i}=E(Y_{i}/N_{i})\) is the expected rate, which is often referred to as the underlying rate, in contrast to the directly observed rate \(Y_{i}/N_{i}\) (births divided by female population). To complete the model we need to specify a prior for the regression parameters \(p(\beta_{0},\beta_{1},\beta_{2}).\) We assume the parameters are a priori independent, so \(p(\beta_{0},\beta_{1},\beta_{2})=p(\beta_{0})p(\beta_{1})p(\beta_{2})\) and adopt normal priors for each parameter. This is equivalent to a multivariate normal prior for the vector \((\beta_{0},\beta_{1},\beta_{2}),\) with mean vector equal to the concatenation of the prior means for each parameter and a diagonal variance matrix with \(i^{th}\) diagonal element equal to the prior variance for the \(i^{th}\) parameter. The parameters are best interpreted once exponentiated: \(\exp(\beta_{0})\) is the expected birth rate in a non -major urban region in the South Island \(\exp(\beta_{1})\) is the ratio of the expected rate in major urban regions compared to non major urban regions; holding Island constant. \(\exp(\beta_{2})\) is the ratio of the expected rate in a North Island region compared to a South Island region, holding major urban status constant. Since all the regression parameters are interpretable once exponentiated we can use the mkpriorreg() function that we defined for specifying priors for logistic regression parameters for all parameters of our Poisson glm This is in contrast to logistic regression where it was the inverse-logit of the intercept parameter that was interpretable, requiring a different function for setting the prior, makepriorb0(). For convenience, we re-define the makepriorreg() function here although we could read in the previous version using the function source() makepriorbreg <- function(low,high,credibility) { #returns prior mean and standard deviation corresponding to ##log-transformed parameter require(arm) log_low <- log(low) log_high <- log(high) priormean <- 0.5*(log_low + log_high) normal_quantile <- 1 - (1-credibility)/2 priorsd <- (log_high - priormean)/qnorm(normal_quantile) outlist <- c(priormean,priorsd) } Now we use this function to specify the priors priorb0 <- makepriorbreg(low=0.001,high=0.1,credibility=0.95) prior_majurb <- makepriorbreg(low=0.5,high=3,credibility=0.9) prior_north <- makepriorbreg(low=0.1,high=10,credibility=0.99) prior.matrix <- rbind(priorb0,prior_majurb,prior_north) prior.matrix ## [,1] [,2] ## priorb0 -4.605170e+00 1.1748099 ## prior_majurb 2.027326e-01 0.5446562 ## prior_north 2.220446e-16 0.8939199 Combine the individual means and variances into a mean vector and diagonal variance matrix that will define the multivariate normal prior. prior_mean <- prior.matrix[,1] prior_sd <- prior.matrix[,2] prior_variance <- diag(prior_sd^2) ##setting up the prior variance matrix #check prior_mean ## priorb0 prior_majurb prior_north ## -4.605170e+00 2.027326e-01 2.220446e-16 prior_variance ## [,1] [,2] [,3] ## [1,] 1.380178 0.0000000 0.0000000 ## [2,] 0.000000 0.2966504 0.0000000 ## [3,] 0.000000 0.0000000 0.7990928 Preliminary analysis To start the ball rolling we will fit a conventional glm model, ignoring the prior. This is useful for setting up a model object which can be used in log-likelihood and log-posterior functions. birthsmodel1 <- glm(births ~ majurb + North,family=poisson(link="log"), offset=log(popsize) ) display(birthsmodel1) ## glm(formula = births ~ majurb + North, family = poisson(link = "log"), ## offset = log(popsize)) ## coef.est coef.se ## (Intercept) -4.67 0.07 ## majurb -0.43 0.06 ## North 0.15 0.07 ## --- ## n = 16, k = 3 ## residual deviance = 25.6, null deviance = 92.8 (difference = 67.2) beta_mle <- coef(birthsmodel1) Set-up the log-likelihood and log-posterior functions loglike_poissonreg <- function(beta,model){ ##This function is vectorised so can cope with multiple settings of beta if (is.vector(beta)) {beta <- matrix(beta,nrow=1,ncol=length(beta))} ##beta assumed to be nsim by p matrix where nsim is number of beta # values (i.e number of settings of beta) to evaluated ##and p is the dimension of the parameter vector in the model ##model is a model object which contains the model formula, the data, the model matrix and so on (e.g the output from a call to glm()) X <- model.matrix(model) ##extracts the design matrix Xb <- X %*% t(beta) Y <- model$y #vector # turn Y into a matrix conformable with beta for some subsequent #calculations Ymatrix <- matrix(Y,nrow=length(Y),ncol=nrow(beta),byrow=FALSE) logN <- model$offset logNmatrix <- matrix(logN,nrow=length(logN),ncol=nrow(beta),byrow=FALSE) expect <- exp(Xb + logN) logl <- Ymatrix*log(expect) - expect -lfactorial(Ymatrix) ##logl returns a matrix with nrow= length(Y)=length(N) ##so the overall log-likelihood is the sum of these components return(colSums(logl)) } ###evaluate the log-likelihood at a few values loglike_poissonreg(beta=beta_mle,model=birthsmodel1) ## [1] -58.08406 loglike_poissonreg(beta=rep(0,length(beta_mle)),model=birthsmodel1) ## [1] -146834.3 loglike_poissonreg(beta= beta_mle+0.01,model=birthsmodel1) ## [1] -58.4539 ###set-up the log-posterior function logpost_poissonreg <- function(beta,priormean,priorvariance,model) { logpost <- loglike_poissonreg(beta,model) + dmvnorm(beta,mean=priormean, sigma=priorvariance,log=TRUE) return(logpost) } ##test this out logpost_poissonreg(beta_mle, priormean=prior_mean, priorvariance=prior_variance, model=birthsmodel1) ## [1] -60.96331 Build an approximation to the posterior. We will use a multivariate normal approximation based on the posterior mode and an approximation to the posterior variance based on the curvature of the unnormalised log-posterior at the mode (negative inverse of the second derivative). We use the laplace function from the LearnBayes package to find the posterior mode and approximate variance. logpost1 <- laplace(logpost_poissonreg,mode=beta_mle, priormean=prior_mean, priorvariance=prior_variance, model=birthsmodel1) str(logpost1) ## List of 4 ## $ mode : Named num [1:3] -4.671 -0.419 0.15 ## ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "(Intercept)" "majurb" "North" ## $ var : num [1:3, 1:3] 0.00548 -0.00214 -0.00447 -0.00214 0.00317 ... ## ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ## .. ..$ : chr [1:3] "(Intercept)" "majurb" "North" ## .. ..$ : chr [1:3] "(Intercept)" "majurb" "North" ## $ int : num -67.3 ## $ converge: logi TRUE mean_approx <- logpost1$mode var_approx <- logpost1$var The multivariate normal approximation to the variance is defined by mean_approx and var_approx. Setting up the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. We need to define the variance for the staring distribution which is an over-dispersed (i.e bigger variance) version of our approximation to the posterior var_start <- 1.5*var_approx We also need to define the jumping distribution. We will use a normal jumping density, centred on the current value with variance computed according to the usual Gelman et al recommendation. Since we are using a normal jumping density (which is symmetric) this is really a Metropolis algorithm. var_jump <- ((2.4^2)/length(mean_approx)) * var_approx ##specify number of chains, length of chains and burn-in period nchains <- 5 nsim <- 2000 burnin <- 1000 ##structures for storing output store_beta <- array(dim=c(length(mean_approx),nchains,nsim)) store_accept <- matrix(nrow=nsim,ncol=nchains) Run the Metropolis algorithm for (j in 1:nchains){ ##loop over chains ##generate a starting value old_beta <- rmvnorm(n=1,mean=mean_approx,sigma=var_start) for (i in 1:nsim) { ##loop over simulations ###generate proposal prop_beta <- rmvnorm(n=1,mean=old_beta,sigma=var_jump) ##compare log unnormalised posterior at proposed and old value logpost_prop <- logpost_poissonreg(prop_beta, priormean=prior_mean, priorvariance=prior_variance, model=birthsmodel1) logpost_old <- logpost_poissonreg(old_beta, priormean=prior_mean, priorvariance=prior_variance, model=birthsmodel1) logrMH <- logpost_prop - logpost_old ###decide on acceptance or rejection logU <- log(runif(1)) if (logU <= logrMH) { old_beta <- prop_beta store_accept[i,j] <- 1 } else { store_accept[i,j] <- 0 } #store current value of beta store_beta[,j,i] <- old_beta } #end loop over simulations } #end loop over chains Check acceptance rates: colMeans(store_accept) ## [1] 0.3360 0.3140 0.3045 0.3215 0.3235 Check convergence npos <- nsim - burnin ##size of posterior sample in each chain n1 <- round(npos/2) # size of chunk1 #set up vectors for storing rhat <- vector(mode="numeric",length=length(mean_approx)) neff <- vector(mode="numeric",length=length(mean_approx)) #for storing the statistics for each parameter. k <- 1 for (k in 1:length(mean_approx)) { #looping over parameters #subset out post burn-in sample for kth parameter #set this up as npos by nchains matrix betak <- t(store_beta[k,1:nchains,((burnin+1):nsim)] ) ##chunk each chain into two pieces and reassemble the matrix - ## for convergence checking chunk1 <- betak[1:n1,] chunk2 <- betak[(n1+1):npos,] betak_chunked <- cbind(chunk1,chunk2) #str(betak_chunked) chainmeans <- colMeans(betak_chunked) withinsd <- apply(betak_chunked,MARGIN=2,FUN="sd") betweensd <- sd(chainmeans) B = (npos/2)*betweensd^2 W = mean(withinsd^2) varplus <- ((npos-1)/npos) * W + (1/npos)*B rhat[k] <- sqrt(varplus/W) #set-up betak_chunked as MCMC object betak.mcmc <- coda::mcmc(betak_chunked) #str(betak.mcmc) neff[k] <- sum(coda::effectiveSize(betak.mcmc)) } rhat ## [1] 1.004361 1.003792 1.007180 neff ## [1] 565.2899 510.2379 520.3874 We will now look at the traceplots. We could just plot the post burn-in samples, but will examine the full iteration history. x <- seq(from=1,to=nsim,by=1) #plots for intercept plot(x,store_beta[1,1,],type="l",main= "b0") #parameter 1, chain1 all simulations lines(x,store_beta[1,2,],col="red") lines(x,store_beta[1,3,],col="blue") lines(x,store_beta[1,4,],col="green") lines(x,store_beta[1,5,],col="orange") #plots for beta1 - effects of major urban regions plot(x,store_beta[2,1,],type="l",main= "b1") lines(x,store_beta[2,2,],col="red") lines(x,store_beta[2,3,],col="blue") lines(x,store_beta[2,4,],col="green") lines(x,store_beta[2,5,],col="orange") #plots for beta2 - effects of North Island plot(x,store_beta[3,1,],type="l",main= "b2") lines(x,store_beta[3,2,],col="red") lines(x,store_beta[3,3,],col="blue") lines(x,store_beta[3,4,],col="green") lines(x,store_beta[3,5,],col="orange") Based on the Rhat statistics and the traceplots, the chains certainly seem to have converged. However the effective Monte Carlo sample sizes are not spectacular. Longer chains may be required to get highly accurate tail probabilities Posterior inference Since the chains have converged we will move to inference #Subset out the post burn-in sample. postsample <- store_beta[,,(burnin+1):nsim] ###since all parameters are interpretable once exponentiated ## we exponentiate the entire postsample exppost <- exp(postsample) quantile(exppost[1,,],probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975)) ## 2.5% 50% 97.5% ## 0.008119144 0.009329523 0.010716539 quantile(exppost[2,,],probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975)) ## 2.5% 50% 97.5% ## 0.5891598 0.6554885 0.7301577 quantile(exppost[3,,],probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975)) ## 2.5% 50% 97.5% ## 1.013194 1.170524 1.336541 ##density plots plot(density(exppost[1,,],adjust=1.5),main="rate in non-urban South Island") plot(density(exppost[2,,],adjust=1.5),main="rate ratio for major urban v other") plot(density(exppost[3,,],adjust=1.5),main="rate ratio for North v South Island") Overall it looks like there is good evidence that birth rates are markedly lower in major urban areas. There is also evidence that birth rates are higher in the North Island.