代写代考 G6021 Comparative Programming

G6021 Comparative Programming

G6021 Comparative Programming

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Part 3 – Foundations

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The Lambda Calculus

A computational model based on the notion of a function.
Defined by the in the 1930’s, as a precise notation
for anonymous functions.

The λ-calculus is used to:
study computability (as an alternative to Turing Machines),
define models (denotational semantics) of programming
study strategies and implementation techniques for functional
languages (abstract machines),
encode proofs in a variety of logics,
design automatic theorem provers and proof assistants.

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λ-calculus: Syntax

Assume an infinite set X of variables denoted by x, y, z, . . . ,
then the set of λ-terms is the least set satisfying:

M::= X | (λX .M) | (MM)

which are called variable, abstraction and application

Some examples
x , (λy .y), (λx .(λy .x)), ((λz.z)(λy .y))

An intuition. The following are all the same:
f x y = x + y
f x = λy .x + y
f = λx .λy .x + y

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λ-calculus: Conventions

write as few parentheses as possible:

(λy .(xy)) = λy .xy

application associates to the left:

xyz = ((xy)z)

abstractions bind as far as possible to the right

λx .(λy .y)x = (λx .((λy .y)x))

abstractions can be abbreviated:

λx .λy .M = λxy .M

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Examples of λ-terms

x , λx .x , xy , λx .z, xz(yz), λx .λy .yx
λxy .x , λxyz.z(xy), λxyz.xz(yz)
λx .λy .x , λx .λy .y
(λx .x)y , (λx .λy .xy)(λx .x)
λf .λx .x , λf .λx .fx , λf .λx .f (fx), λf .λx .f (f (fx))

Note: Haskell syntax:

\x -> M is the same as λx .M

Exercise: Write the above examples in Haskell syntax. Are they all
valid in Haskell?

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A variable is free in a λ-term if it is not bound by a λ.
More precisely, the set of free variables of a term is defined as:

FV (x) = {x}
FV (λx .M) = FV (M)− {x}
FV (MN) = FV (M) ∪ FV (N)

Terms without free variables are called closed terms.

We can define:

BV (x) = ∅
BV (λx .M) = {x} ∪ BV (M)
BV (MN) = BV (M) ∪ BV (N)

Question: What is BV defining?

Exercise: Check the FV and BV of the examples.

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λ-terms that differ only in the names of their bound variables will be
equated. More precisely: If y is not free in M:

λx .M =α λy .M{x 7→ y}

where M{x 7→ y} is the term M where each occurrence of x is
replaced by y (i.e. we rename every free occurrence of x to y ).

λ-terms are defined modulo α-conversion, so λx .x and λy .y are
the SAME term.
α-equivalent terms represent the same computation (see below).

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Abstractions represent functions, which can be applied to
The main computation rule is β-reduction, which indicates how to
find the result of the function for a given argument.
A redex is a term of the form: (λx .M)N
It reduces to the term M{x 7→ N} where M{x 7→ N} is the term
obtained when we substitute x by N taking into account bound

(λx .M)N →β M{x 7→ N}

Note that we use the word “reduce”, but this does not mean that
the term on the right is any simpler. Why?
Notation: if M →β M1 →β M2 · · ·Mn then we write M →∗β Mn

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Substitution is a special kind of replacement: M{x 7→ N} means
replace all free occurrences of x in M by the term N.
Question: Why only the free occurrences? What happens if we replace
all occurrences?

A very useful property of substitution is the following, known as the
Substitution Lemma:
If x ̸∈ FV (P):

(M{x 7→ N}){y 7→ P} = (M{y 7→ P}){x 7→ N{y 7→ P}}

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Examples (conversion, reduction, substitution)

λx .x =α λy .y
λx .λy .xy =α λz1.λz2.z1z2

and β-reduction:
(λx .λy .xy)(λx .x) →β λy .(λx .x)y →β λy .y

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Normal forms

When do we stop reducing?
Normal form (NF): Stop reducing when there are no redexes left to
A normal form is a term that does not contain any redex.
A term that can be reduced to a term in normal form is said to be

(λx .a(λy .xy)) b c →β a(λy .by)c

which is a normal form (application associates to the left).
Weak Head Normal Form (WHNF). Stop reducing when there are
no redexes left, but without reducing under an abstraction.

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1 What is the difference between a term having a normal form, and
being a normal form? Write down some example terms.

2 If a closed term is a weak head normal form, it has to be an
abstraction λx .M. Why?

3 Does the term (λx .xx)(λx .xx) have a normal form?

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Reduction graphs

The β-reduction graph of a term M, written Gβ(M), is the set:

{N | M →∗β N}

directed by →β. If several redexes give rise to M0 →β M1, then that
many directed arcs connect M0 to M1.
Gβ(WWW ) with W ≡ λxy .xyy is:

WWW (λy .yyy)W

(λy .Wyy)W (λy .(λz.yzz)y)W

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Reduction graph examples

Exercise: Draw the reduction graph for (II)(II), where I = λx .x .

Why is one arrow marked “∗”?

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Reduction graph examples

Gβ((λx .xx)(λx .xx)) is:

(λx .xx)(λx .xx)

Exercise: Draw Gβ((λx .x(II))(II)), where I = λx .x

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Properties of Computations

Confluence: If M →∗β M1 and M →
β M2 then there exists a term

M3 such that M1 →∗β M3 and M2 →

Normalisation: there exists a sequence of reductions which
Strong Normalisation (or Termination): All reduction sequences

The λ-calculus is confluent but not normalising (or strongly
Confluence implies unicity of normal forms: Each λ-term has at
most one normal form.

Find a term that is not strongly normalising (i.e. a term that does not

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Strategies for reduction

There can be many different ways in which a term can be reduced
to a normal form (resp. WHNF).
The choice that we make can make a huge difference in how
many reduction steps are needed.
The leftmost-outermost strategy finds the normal form, if there is
one. But it may be inefficient.

Indicate whether the following λ-terms have a normal form:

(λx .(λy .yx)z)v
(λx .xxy)(λx .xxy)

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Most functional programming languages adopt the following ideas:
1 reduce to WHNF (do not reduce under an abstraction). Exercise:

2 evaluate arguments in a specific way

The difference between many functional languages lies in the choice
taken for the second point.

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Evaluating Arguments

1 Call-by-Value (Applicative order of reduction):
evaluate arguments first so that we substitute the reduced terms
(avoid duplication of work).

2 Call-by-name (Normal order of reduction):
evaluate arguments each time they are needed.

3 Lazy Evaluation: evaluate arguments at most once.
Which is the best/worst strategy? Give examples to support your

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Arithmetic in the λ-calculus: Church Numerals

We can define the natural numbers as follows:
0 = λx .λy .y
1 = λx .λy .x y
2 = λx .λy .x(x y)
3 = λx .λy .x(x(x y))

Using this representation we can define arithmetic functions.
Example, n 7→ n + 1, is defined by the λ-term S:

λx .λy .λz.y((x y)z)

To check it:
Sn = (λx .λy .λz.y((x y)z))(λx .λy .x . . . (x(x y))
→β λy .λz.y((λx .λy .x . . . (x(x y)) y)z)
→∗β λy .λz.y(y . . . (y(y z)) = n + 1

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In general, to define an arithmetic function

f : Natk 7→ Nat

we will use a λ-term λx1 . . . xk .M, which will be applied to k numbers:
(λx1 . . . xk .M)n1 . . . nk

For example, the following term defines addition:

ADD = λx .λy .λa.λb.(x a)(y a b)

Check that this term applied to two numbers computes their sum. Hint:
reduce the term λx .λy .λa.λb.(x a)(y a b)n m

1 Show that the λ-term MULT = λx .λy .λz.x(yz) applied to two
Church numerals m and n computes their product m × n.

2 What does the term λn.λm.m (MULT n) 1 compute?
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We can represent Boolean values:

False = λx .λy .y
True = λx .λy .x

and Boolean functions. The function NOT is defined by

NOT = λx .(x False) True

We can check that this definition is correct:
NOT False = (λx .(x False) True)False
→β (False False)True

NOT True = (λx .(x False) True)True
→β (True False)True

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The following term implements an if-then-else:

IF = λx .λy .λz.(x y)z

IF B E1 E2 →∗β E1 if B = True

IF B E1 E2 →∗β E2 if B = False

The function is-zero? can be defined as:

λn.n(True False)True

is-zero? 0 →∗β True
is-zero? n →∗β False if n > 0.

We can use IF and is-zero? to define the SIGN function:

SIGN = λn.IF is-zero? n THEN 0 ELSE 1

Exercise: Check that the following definitions are correct:
AND = λx .λy .(x y)x
OR = λx .λy .(x x)y

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The cost of computing

We have seen that different reduction strategies can change the
efficiency of the computation (also termination)
We can transform algorithms into more efficient versions. We look
at one way in this course:

Continuation Passing Style

Note: tail recursive, or accumulating parameter style.
Program transformation is a very rich topic. Many open research
topics here…

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Continuations were originally introduced in the study of semantics
of programming languages: to allow the formal definition of control

▶ Jumps in programs are considered a “bad” thing (difficult to reason

▶ Many constructs allow controlled jumps (conditional, loops, case,

▶ Do not allow jumping into the middle of a block or function body

Continuations allow some of these features to be captured in a
“clean” way:

▶ Exceptions to leave a block or function early
▶ callcc allows a point in the program to be “marked”. throw

returns to that point to continue the evaluation.

They are an advanced control construct available in some
functional languages (notably Standard ML and Scheme).

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Continuation Passing Style (CPS)

The idea of CPS is that every function takes an extra argument: a
A continuation is a function which consumes the result of a
function, and produces the final answer.
Thus, a continuation represents the remainder of the current

The simplest way to understand CPS is to think about evaluating a
simple functional application:

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Example CPS: Factorial

fact n = if n==0 then 1 else n*fact(n-1)

Consider now the CPS form:

factcps n k = if n==0 then k 1
else factcps (n-1) (\r -> k (n*r))

factcps 4 (\x -> x)

The second argument k is the continuation.

1 What is the relationship between:
k (fact n) and factcps n k

2 What is one main difference between fact and factcps?

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Factorial: evaluation

fact 4 = if 4==0 then 1 else 4*fact(4-1)
= 4*fact(3)
= 4*(if 3==0 then 1 else 3*fact(3-1))
= 4*(3*fact(2))

… = 4*(3*(2*(1*1)))

factcps 4 (\x -> x)
= factcps 3 (\r -> (\x -> x) (4*r))
= factcps 3 (\r -> (4*r))
= factcps 2 (\r -> (\r -> (4*r)) (3*r))
= factcps 2 (\r -> (4*(3*r)))
= factcps 1 (\r -> (4*(3*(2*r))))
= factcps 0 (\r -> (4*(3*(2*(1*r)))))
= (\r -> (4*(3*(2*(1*r)))))1
= (4*(3*2*(1*1)))

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Tail Recursion

It is generally well-understood in compiler technology that tail
recursive programs can be implemented more efficiently (because
they can be transformed into a simple loop).
A well known example: Compare the following two functions:
rev [] = []
rev (h:t) = rev t ++ [h]

revacc [] acc = acc
revacc (h:t) acc = revacc t (h:acc)

Nothing remains to be done after the recursive call (recall the
definition of ++).
Formally, we can show that rev l = revacc l []

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rev [] = []
rev (h:t) = rev t ++ [h]

revcps [] k = k []
revcps (h:t) k = revcps t (\r -> k(r++[h]))

Exercise: Verify that rev l = revcps l (\x -> x)
Note that all the continuations here can be represented by lists:
\x -> x++l for some list l. Thus revcps can be simplified to

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The previous examples are part of a rich theory of program
Many advanced compilers perform this transformation
automatically (when possible).
In addition to eliminating recursion, these transformations add
additional control in the form of strategies.
On a negative note, programs become higher-order, and we might
loose termination properties.

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Worked Example: factorial again

fact n = if n==0 then 1 else n*fact(n-1)

Consider now the CPS form:

factcps n k = if n==0 then k 1
else factcps (n-1) (\r -> k (n*r))

factcps 4 (\x -> x)

We can simplify the continuation:

factacc n acc = if n==0 then acc
else factacc (n-1) (n*acc)

factacc 4 1

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Other uses of CPS

Many programming languages have features like:
goto (in pascal like languages)
longjmp/setjmp in C
exceptions in Java, Haskell, SML, etc.

which allow for the change of control of a program (to exit the current

Continuations are a way of expressing these issues
Achieved by passing a stack as a value to functions: this stack
allows the state of the computation to be reinstated at any
point—we can move to any past state in a safe way.
Such stacks are known as reified control stacks.

However, this is beyond the scope of this course…

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Summary of CPS

All functions can be written in CPS style.
Some continuations have nice representations as accumulating
Tail recursive functions can be compiled into a loop: more efficient
than a recursion.
Many other program transformation techniques for functional

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The λ-calculus is the foundation of functional programming (and
also the foundation of many programming concepts).
It is possible to program using only the λ-calculus, but easier if we
allow data types (pattern matching, richer syntax, etc.)
Test out examples in the notes, and do exercises.
Try writing some of the λ-terms in you write a data type in Haskell for representing λ-terms?

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程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com