
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder


Least squares line fitting

Hought transform


not rotation- invariant

fails for vertical line 平行于y轴的直线找不到y方向距离

total least suares


prons robust to rotation

cons not robust to outliers 噪点到直线的距离很大,平方后更大

deal with multiplu RANSAC

choose a small subset of points uniformally at random

fit a model to that subset

put all the points below a distance thredshold into the subset

number of trial S

number of sampled point K minimum number needed to fit the model

distance threshold

起始的点的个数? determined by a fomula

not good for getting multiple fits

lost of parameters to tune

image stitching using affine transform

estimate affine transformation T with k random selected match points

if , preseve T

choose the best T and recalculate the transform image

a line mapping
to Hough space


在xy平面拟合直线即houghspace求两直线线交点y=ax+b to (a,b)

problem not able to model a vertical line

use quantized

make a table to count how many times each pair appears

dealing with noisefind local maximum

a line mapping to Hough space

1.根据(x,y)和角度 画图表,写出对应的r 角度范围-45~90

2. 根据上一个图标,画角度和r的图标,写出每对出现的次数

3. 找出出现次数最多的一对,写出直线表达式


single thresholding

double thresholding

watch out the histogram to predict appropriate threshold

Otsu’s method
Optimum Global Thresholding

minimize with-in class variance

adaptive thresholding using moving adverages

maixmize between class variance

T = b * local mean

k-mean clustering

randomly initialize the cluster center

determine points in each cluster

recalcualate the cluster center

group based on


lips RGB+position

斑点裙子 texture

prons fast

sensitive to
initial centers

detect spherical clusters

transformation from
world coordinate to
image coordinate

1. world coordinate to
camera/normalized coordinata

canera center is origin point

principal axis is z-axis

x,y-axis are parallel to x and y axes of world coordinate

principal point point where principal axis intersects the image plane

2. camera coordinate
to image coordinate origin is in the center

world to camera

camera to image

R should be three normallized column vectors 并且相互垂直

C is coords. of camera
center in world frame

P=K[R|t] (t=-RC)

intrinsic parameter (K)

pixel coordinates

pixels per meter in horizontal/vertica ldirection

principal point coordinate

focal length

pixel magnification factors

extrinsic parameter (R,t)
roatation and translation matrix

camera to image

world to camera

measure height


know world to image coordinate pairs to estimate matrix minimal for 6 pair

know matrix and world/image coordinate to estimate image/world coordinate

calibration for
vanishing points

one vanishing point
cannot solve focal length

principal point is the vanishing point

two or three vanishing point can solve for focal length and principal point

epipolar geometry

baseline line connecting the two camera centre

epipolar plane plane containing baseline

intersection of basline with image plane

projections of the other camera center

epipolar lines
intersections of epipolar plane with image plane

one line maps to another line

pipline epipolar rectification stereo matching trangulation

parallel images

images planes of cameras are parallel to each other and to the baseline

camera centers are at the same height

focal lengths are the same

epipolar retifaction

to achieve parallel images

block matching only apply on the horizontal scan lines which is epipolar line

1. roatate the right camera by R

2. rotate the left camera so that epipole is at infinity

3. so rotate the right camera so that the epipole is at infinity

4. adjust the scale

stereo matching

find correspoding points in epipolar line

1. slide window along the right scanline and compare two window

2. matching cost and find the disparity at the maximum
point(if normalized correlation) or minimum point(if SSD)


disparity is invesely propotinal to depth


1. matching cost computation

2. cost aggregation

3. disparity computation

local base method

window size
small more detail but more noise

large smoother disparity maps but less details

untertured region problem

aperture problem
texture with only horizontal orientation

needs colour varitation inside

texture with vertical orientation

multiple fit
points problem

repetive pattern

foreground fattening problem
more obvious for large window size

because of cost aggregation

adaptive support

only pixels that lie on the same disparity contribute to the aggregated matching costs

cost aggregation

c for color distance, s for spatial distance

large distance for low weight

similar to bilateral filter

non local constraints

uniqueness for one point, only one matching point

ordering corresponding points hould be in the same order

smooth expect disparity values to change slowly

calcualte depth from disparity

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com